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Many people have read The Place Beyond the Dust Bowl for pleasure. However, many educators have added this book to their curriculum. So we have added a study guide filled with activities that will make reading an active process much like playing a game on the computer. In order to graduate from high school, you need to be able to write about what you read. This study guide will teach you strategies that will help you be a better reader and writer.
The Study Guide is also available for other eReaders. Please download the Study Guide for your specific device:
ePub Format
For most eReaders (Nook, Sony Reader, Kobo, and most e-reading apps including Stanza, Aldiko, Adobe Digital Editions, others)
Mobi Format
For Kindle, Kindle for PC, and Kindle for Mac
PDB Format
For Palm Reading Devices
LRF Format
for older Sony Readers
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