- Earnest C. Imbach (Visalia, CA)Many other books I’ve read authentically reflect what dust bowl people had to endure to survive and maintain “hope.” Ron Hughart’s book is more of an autobiography where he shares many similar stories, but at a later date – one or two generations removed. It amazes me that someone the age of my own children experienced the “Grapes of Wrath” way of life – just trying to survive by constantly moving on from one migrant camp to the next. Hoping, looking ...
- Dan Roche (Exeter, CA USA)Teachers looking for migrant biographies will find this book an excellent resource. Ron Hughart writes in a comfortable “talkative” style. He makes the reader ponder his own life and how events shape the way one sees the world. The reader may also wince a time or two pondering the lasting effects of childhood labels like “sissy,” “sickly” or “retarded.” The book is a unique mixture of sad and happy moments. But it is mainly a story of how the human ...